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Dallas Christian Women's Job Corps
provides Christ-centered mentoring
and workforce education
to equip women for life and employment.

Volunteer Application

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We believe in the Trinity, God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the Bible as the Word of God. Salvation comes through grace by believing in Jesus Christ as the only begotten son of God, our Savior, and Lord. Once saved, the Holy Spirit indwells, thereby instructing, guiding and empowering the individual to follow the mandate of Jesus Christ in daily living.

Are you in agreement with DCWJC statement of faih and purpose?


Are you working?
Do you have previous volunteer experience?


Select your skill areas:

By checking the box, I agree to submit my data under the terms of the DCWJC privacy policy.

Volunteer With Us!

Please fill out the form below to apply for a position as a DCWJC volunteer. Your information is secure. We never share information with third parties.

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